Earlier, Black Shark officially announced that Black Shark will launch the first batch of new products equipped with Snapdragon 888 in the first quarter of 2021. They also stated that as the pioneer of Chinese gaming phones, Black Shark always pays attention to the performance of mobile phones and insists on using the flagship SOC […]
Category Archives: Firmware ROMs
How to Extract Samsung TAR LZ4 BIN Firmware Files
Don’t forget to initialize EEPROM on your 3D printer to store the firmware. The following steps are going to explain how to update your firmware with Cura. What you will be needing is a USB, the firmware that you need in HEX format, and, of course, Cura. The rest https://viva.lgbt/boost-your-blu-c5l-max-performance-with-the-latest/ of the process is extremely […]